2. Deuteronomy 6 - Requires posting the Ten Commandments in Public Places.
3. A Rally for Religious Free Speech Monday, November 16th 1:30 in front of the Department of Justice in Washington DC.
4. Give the Ten Commandments as a gift, help the cause.
The Ten Commandments in the News:
Pro Life organization presents Ten Commandments to the Florida Levy County
Commission of a 6-foot-by 5-foot-by-3-foot black granite monument detailing the
Ten Commandments and additional words "Love God and Keep His Commandments."
An application to give the gift of the Ten Commandments was by the Tri County Pregnancy Center of Williston was presented by
County Coordinator Fred Moody after being brought to the commission's meeting on Tuesday by Sheriff Johnny Smith.
According to the handwritten application by Debra Osborn, executive director of
the center, "The monument is a display of the Ten Commandments our nation was
created on the principles of Christianity. The Christian Faith including the
Ten Commandments has been a driving force in the Constitution, Bill of Rights
and numerous other documents that have played a part in the history of our
The proposed monument is a duplicate of one sitting on the lawn of the
Chiefland City Hall and the steps of the Dixie County Courthouse in
Cross City. Both of those monuments were donated to the respective governments.
In the case of the Chiefland Commandments, Pastor Travis Hudson of Hardeetown Baptist Church was a driving force behind erecting the monument.
Lawsuit filed against the Ten Commandments in Ohio.
Christians turned out in large numbers for a rally Sunday in support of a
public display of the Biblical ten Commandments on government property in
Lockland. Organizers say the display has been part of community for many years
and and represents community values.
Dozens gathered in front of display Sunday afternoon, some from as far away as
Kentucky and Indiana. Some held signs and sang songs.
The current mayor says display was donated some years ago by former mayor Jim Brown. Mark Mason organized the rally and tells Local 12, "This 10 commandments is very important to this community as shown by the outpouring of people today and we just want it to be left alone. This is very important here to the residents
and we just want it to be left alone, it's not hurting anybody."
4,000 permanent monuments to the Ten Commandments have been placed in
public places across America. The Commandments are the most popular
passage of scripture to be displayed in public places in America.
2. Deuteronomy 6 - Requires posting the Ten Commandments in Public Places.
7. And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
8. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
9. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
The word "Gates" in verse 9 refers to public places. A review of the word "Gates" in scripture clearly demonstrates this.
For example. Boaz got permission from the elders at the "gate" to marry Ruth. See Ruth 4, 1, 11. The word "gate" refers to a public place of commerce like a courthouse.
Over 4000 of our forefathers have publicly posted the Ten Commandments in public places in America in obedience to the direction of
Deuteronomy 6: 9. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
The Ten Commandments is the most commonly posted publicly passage of scripture in the Bible and the only one that we are told to publicly display.
The children learn them when they are on display.
3. A Rally for Religious Free Speech will be held on Monday, November
16th 1:30 in front of the Department of Justice in Washington DC.
The Rally for Religious Freedom is meant to raise alarm over the nation's new
Federal "hate crimes" law just passed by Congress and signed last month by
President Obama. The intention of the rally the group is to assert the freedom of speech of ministers and Christians in general to declare biblical truth in the public square.
The Rally will also expose the unconstitutional nature of the hate law.
4. Give the Ten Commandments.
Ten Commandments T-Shirts - Special Prices at $4.95 each. In addition we have special prices on
Ten Commandments yard signs, coins, and refrigerator magnets. Great for VBS or gifts.
More information at: http://heritage-signs.us/ten/Ctshirts.phtml
Many gift ideas found at the Foundation for Moral Law,
including the historic book, So Help Me God, the story
about Judge Moore and the Commandments. Book comes autographed.
Get info at http://www.morallaw.org/
Learn more about Judge Roy Moore running for Governor of Alabama
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